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Barbotherapy is a relaxing and therapeutic treatment for looking after your beard and facial skin. It uses hot towels, essential oils and specific creams to soften the hair, moisturize the skin and make shaving easier. As well as providing a more precise cut, it relieves tension, improves circulatio
Hair Cut /Barbotherapy Primiun Serv
Barbotherapy is a relaxing and therapeutic treatment for looking after your beard and facial skin. It uses hot towels, essential oils and specific creams to soften the hair, moisturize the skin and make shaving easier. As well as providing a more precise cut, it relieves tension, improves circulatio

Hair Cut

Line up / linha de perfil / pezinho
Line Up
Line up / linha de perfil / pezinho
1 option

Beard Trim Premiun (hot Towel )

Hair Cut Kid / Corte Infantil

Senior Cut 65+/ Corte De Idoso

Full Color / Color Cabelos Brancos

Beard Color/ Coloracao De Barba


Wax Nose

Wax Ears

Botox Alimhamento Dos Fios

Hair Hydration / Hidratacao Capilar

Platinum / Platinado/nevo

Platinum Hair Color / Descolorir